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All Spirit Animal by Birthday

Here's the list of all Spirit Animals with the birthday they match with:

Apr. 20 - May 20

Elephant Spirit Animal Elephant Spirit Animal

A big power inside but also your memory is a place to learn.

Explorer Adventurer Pisces

Mar. 21 - Apr. 19

Fox Spirit Animal Fox Spirit Animal

Your ablity for taking action will be improved.

Explorer Adventurer Virgo

Jan. 21 - Feb. 18

Horse Spirit Animal Horse Spirit Animal

Encourages to try new things out of your comfort zone.

Explorer Adventurer Sagittarius

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Lion Spirit Animal Lion Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Leo

Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

Wolf Spirit Animal Wolf Spirit Animal

Loyal and intuitive, this Spirit Animal gets energy from being together with its relatives.

Sentinels Consul Capricorn

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Goat Spirit Animal Goat Spirit Animal

Tenacity and strubborness will help you deal with anything in front of you.

Explorer Adventurer Aries

Apr. 20 - May 20

15 of our members has this spirit animal
Bear Spirit Animal Bear Spirit Animal

A secret meaning is hidden behind its big size and strength.

Analyst Architect Taurus

Jun. 21 - Jul. 22

Snake Spirit Animal Snake Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Scorpio

Oct. 23 - Nov. 21

Popular among our community
Cat Spirit Animal Cat Spirit Animal

An opportunity to find a bridge between the hidden and the real world.

Explorer Adventurer Scorpio

Oct. 23 - Nov. 21

Ant Spirit Animal Ant Spirit Animal

Hardworking is not its only strong characteristic, there’s more than you think.

Analyst Architect Scorpio

Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

Alligator Spirit Animal Alligator Spirit Animal

Patient and spectating, the Alligator Spirit Animal has one strong personality.

Diplomat Campaigner Capricorn

Mar. 21 - Apr. 19

Bat Spirit Animal Bat Spirit Animal

When feeling lost in the dark, these Bat techniques will help you go through it.

Explorer Adventurer Aries

Jun. 21 - Jul. 22

Bee Spirit Animal Bee Spirit Animal

Your growth will be faster if you group with people you love.

Explorer Virtuoso Cancer

Sep. 23 - Oct. 22

Panda Spirit Animal Panda Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Libra

Sep. 23 - Oct. 22

Butterfly Spirit Animal Butterfly Spirit Animal

Transformation and changes are happening now in your life.

Explorer Adventurer Libra

Nov. 22 - Dec. 21

Camel Spirit Animal Camel Spirit Animal

Your endurance will increase using these techniques.

Explorer Adventurer Sagittarius

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Cheetah Spirit Animal Cheetah Spirit Animal

Fast to get results, but be careful not paying attetion to small details.

Explorer Adventurer Leo

Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

Popular among our community
Deer Spirit Animal Deer Spirit Animal

A bright Spirit Animal that is full of courage and knowledge.

Analyst Logician Capricorn

Mar. 21 - Apr. 19

Dove Spirit Animal Dove Spirit Animal

The symbol of peace, carries more emotions behind.

Explorer Adventurer Aries

Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

Really popular among our community
Dog Spirit Animal Dog Spirit Animal

There's a deeper meaning than only being loyal and protective.

Enterteiner Entrepeneur Playful Adventurer Gemini

Oct. 23 - Nov. 18

Eagle Spirit Animal Eagle Spirit Animal

Improving our perspective will increase our opportunities.

Explorer Adventurer Scorpio

Jun. 21 - Jul. 22

Flamingo Spirit Animal Flamingo Spirit Animal

Full of color, you can pick from a variety of emotions and perspectives.

Sentinel Defender Cancer

May 21 - Jun. 20

Frog Spirit Animal Frog Spirit Animal

Your potential here is huge, even though you feel you're small.

Explorer Adventurer Gemini

Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

Giraffe Spirit Animal Giraffe Spirit Animal

An expanded viewpoint, to understand better problems and situtations.

Explorer Adventurer Pisces

Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

Hawk Spirit Animal Hawk Spirit Animal

Your intuition will be sharpened, learn to take the most out of it.

Explorer Adventurer Capricorn

Jan. 21 - Feb. 18

Fish Spirit Animal Fish Spirit Animal

Encourages to try new things out of your comfort zone.

Explorer Adventurer Aquarius

Sep. 23 - Oct. 22

Jellyfish Spirit Animal Jellyfish Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Libra

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Jaguar Spirit Animal Jaguar Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Leo

Jun. 21 - Jul. 22

Koala Spirit Animal Koala Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Cancer

Nov. 22 - Dec. 21

Monkey Spirit Animal Monkey Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Sagittarius

Jun. 21 - Jul. 22

Mouse Spirit Animal Mouse Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Cancer

Nov. 22 - Dec. 21

2 new members this week
Owl Spirit Animal Owl Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Sagittarius

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Peacock Spirit Animal Peacock Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Leo

Jan. 21 - Feb. 18

Penguin Spirit Animal Penguin Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Aquarius

Jun. 21 - Jul. 22

Rabbit Spirit Animal Rabbit Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Cancer

Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

Rat Spirit Animal Rat Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Capricorn

Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

Reindeer Spirit Animal Reindeer Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Capricorn

Mar. 21 - Apr. 19

Swan Spirit Animal Swan Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Aries

Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

Spider Spirit Animal Spider Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Pisces

Aug. 23 - Sep. 22

Sheep Spirit Animal Sheep Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Virgo

May 21 - Jun. 20

Squirrel Spirit Animal Squirrel Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Gemini

Jan. 21 - Feb. 18

Tiger Spirit Animal Tiger Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Aquarius

Jan. 21 - Feb. 18

Turtle Spirit Animal Turtle Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Aquarius

Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

Unicorn Spirit Animal Unicorn Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Capricorn

Oct. 23 - Nov. 18

Wasp Spirit Animal Wasp Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Scorpio

Jan. 21 - Feb. 18

Whale Spirit Animal Whale Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Aquarius

Oct. 23 - Nov. 21

Raven Spirit Animal Raven Spirit Animal

Analyst Architect Scorpio

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Ox Spirit Animal Ox Spirit Animal

Fast to get results, but be careful not paying attetion to small details.

Explorer Adventurer Leo

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Dragon Spirit Animal Dragon Spirit Animal

Fast to get results, but be careful not paying attetion to small details.

Explorer Adventurer Leo

Aug. 23 - Sep. 22

Hummingbird Spirit Animal Hummingbird Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Virgo

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Rooster Spirit Animal Rooster Spirit Animal

Fast to get results, but be careful not paying attetion to small details.

Explorer Adventurer Leo

Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

Pig Spirit Animal Pig Spirit Animal

Fast to get results, but be careful not paying attetion to small details.

Explorer Adventurer Leo
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